KC-19 - Haunted House In Ghaziabad

KC-19 is one of the most haunted places in Ghaziabad as well as Delhi NCR. Situated in the posh colony of Block C of Kavinagar, KC-19 was a house where two families lived. One night, all members of the families were murdered except for one child. That child now reportedly lives with his relatives abroad, leaving the house abandoned.

What made KC-19 haunted in the eyes of the people was that many people reported seeing small children giggling, playing and running in circles near the house at night. People believe that they are the spirits of murdered children of the families. It is also said that the walls of the house were covered in blood which could be washed anyhow.

I visited the place some time ago. The house is no more - it was probably demolished by the authorities under pressure from neighborhood. It is also possible that the place was sold off and the new owner demolished it. Anyhow, only the surrounding wall and gate now exist. A slum family (probably of masons or guard) lives in a make-shift shelter inside. Wild plants have engulfed much of the place. I hope that all the spirits which might have haunted this place, are now at peace.

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